Monday, May 14, 2012

Sabah Folklore ~ The Origins of "Nunuk Ragang"

It was told by folklore tellers that in the ancient days, there was a large and unusual tree in nature which grows near a deep lake. The lake is located near which is now a village in the district which is called "Lubuk Tampias Sugut" in Sandakan district. The tree mentioned earlier, was overall red in color, including the leaves. In the language of the Kadazan or Dusun the trees is called "Nunuk Ragang". "Nunuk" means the tree and "ragang" means red.

Also it has been told that at that time that place is not yet inhabited by humans. In general, the area where the Nunuk Ragang was, was covered by jungle inhabited only by wild beasts only. At that time there was a very large rooster, as big as a buffalo who lived there. Roosters are believed to have incredible magic.

One day the rooster was foraging for food. Then suddenly, came a handsome young man from the ground the rooster was foraging. The Roosters went on foraging and continued scratching the ground. Not long after came out a very beautiful girl. Both were taken and taken care by the rooster. Time followed, then they were wed together. Resulting from the marriage, the woman bore several sons and daughters. Their descendants became many and eventually the place was filled with more and more people. The descendants who came from the ground by the male rooster was referred to as 'The Nunuk Ragang' and is 'believed' to be the ancestors and the descendants of the Dusun or Kadazan natives.

(The elders of the "Nunuk Ragang" people)

The first man who emerged from the ground was appointed as the ruler in place by the male rooster. He ruled with the help of the male rooster. The rooster live high in red tree. Together with the red tree the rooster became the protector of people living there. The place is eventually named Nunuk Ragang trees named after a special red fig tree.
(Monument commemorating the "Nunuk Ragang" in Sabah)
Adapted from: Taha Abdul Kadir. Cerita Tradisi Sabah. Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia : Pelanduk Publications (M) Sdn. Bhd. 1985. m/s 1-9.
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